Simulation Exercises

//Simulation Exercises

Simulation Exercises

Woodshed Simulator

One training method I often use for students and myself is visualization simulation.

Whether your trying to figure develop a new acro move or simply setting up a new harness or piece of kit,

the Woodshed Sim is a perfect tool for getting it sorted in your mind.


Here you see yours truly working out the  setup details of a new Supair front mount reserve system on the Oxygen 1

harness for John W.


This week we had Andrew G. a new student doing some perfect practice visualisation of his reverse launching

procedure before going up to the mountain and reproducing those launch techniques for real.

This sport psychology technique is used in every single Olympic level training event known and I use it along

with other visual aids like YouTube.

It is said that “practice makes perfect” however I advocate that ” perfect practice makes perfect”.

So next time it’s too windy to kite come on out and work through those moves on the Sim!

By | 2017-04-04T19:20:48+00:00 August 26th, 2016|Categories: Paragliding|Comments Off on Simulation Exercises

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