Sometimes the best thing to do when the weather isn’t flyable in our area is go south.
Not too far south… just a quick border cross at Sumas and in about 50 minutes your at
lovely Mount Blanchard near Bellingham WA.
Thats what a few of us Canucks did yesterday as it was not looking flyable in the Fraser Valley.
Alex, Kev and I opted for the hike up to launch with our light gear it was less than an hour.
Nicole, Martin and Denny joined up at the top and we got a chance to hang out with our U.S.
friends and make a few new ones before taking off into some nice but spicy thermic conditions.
One thing I noticed different from last year, was all the new BGD gliders sprouting up as they are
defiantly an eye catcher amongst the other gliders and they also perform outstandingly to match!
Above photo credit by Kevin Ault of Alex Raymont on BGD Cure! (or is it a kite board?)