Monthly Archives: June 2017


XC PG Stacks the Deck with Triple 7

XC Paragliding stacks the deck with Triple 7 Paragliders! We are pleased to announce that we are now Western Canada's Distributor for this amazing company. The Valic brothers have been around the design and comp scene for a while... now with their own designs at 777. One of their hottest EN-B designs is the Knight and [...]

By | 2017-06-16T02:50:41+00:00 June 16th, 2017|Categories: Gear|Comments Off on XC PG Stacks the Deck with Triple 7

Lions Bay to Squamish…Yeah Johnny!

John Rowsom nails a new never done before line from Lions bay to Squamish on Tuesday! A few of the XC Crew have been working out a line from West Vancouver's Lions Mountains to Squamish... and the careful planning paid off for John the other day as he worked his way to Squamish after attempting it [...]

By | 2017-06-08T23:34:06+00:00 June 8th, 2017|Categories: Cross Country, Gear, Paragliding|Comments Off on Lions Bay to Squamish…Yeah Johnny!